Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hell's Kitchen and Anthropology!

I thought about doing a big THIS IS MY FIRST POST IT IS SO IMPORTANT first post but then I decided I wouldn't be able to settle on anything important and this is supposed to be more lighthearted than soul-inspiring or whatever.

On this Wednesday night, the next hour will be full of Hell's Kitchen/MasterChef and reading for my 501: History of Anthropology course. And wondering why Dana from Hell's Kitchen can't open her eyes all the way (seriously, watch her during the interviews). And why is she always yelling?

Oh, and if you don't get the "humerus" joke then you should fix that, because it's an oldie but a goodie (one could even say it was rather humorous).

Perhaps the biggest inspiration for laughter so far in this wild ride to grad school has been my dog, Zoe. She is a 15 month old labrador retriever/aussie shepherd. She's been there for me when I'm homesick, let's me hug her and asks me incessantly to pet and play with her,

"No leaving until you play with me."

"Must . . . catch . . . ball . . . zzz."
which I do, until she's all tuckered out and sleepy.

Here's to all those grad students out there who need a little laughter in their lives.

Stay happy. 

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