Thursday, November 1, 2012


My Labrador Re-terror/Australian Scary mix

Halloween is my favorite holiday for a variety of morbid reasons, namely that everyone who finds skeletons creepy the rest of the year suddenly realizes how cool they are. Binghamton did not let me down! Those of you who came to my Halloween party last year, rest assured it was not outdone this year and that event still holds a special place in my heart, no matter how many weird looks my neighbors gave me the next day.

Halloween in Binghamton is rainy thanks to Hurricane/Tropical Storm/Superstorm Sandy. We were extremely lucky the storm turned and we avoided severe weather. Zoe and I did stay in a hotel room just in case, pictures are below.

"What do you mean I don't get the whole bed???"

"Shh! I'm watching the weather channel!"

"You were serious about the bed thing, weren't you?"

I would like to take this moment to say I hope all those adversely affected by the storm who are still alive continue to be that way despite flooding and damage. I hope all those who lost something or someone (animals included) they valued and/or could hardly bear to live without find the support they need to get through this tough time. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. If you have spare change, feel free to get on Santa's nice list early and send it through one of the numerous donation centers that have been floating around facebook/the internet. If you don't, feel free to write Donald Trump and tell him exactly how to use that 5 million dollars (productively).

Thanks for indulging in my serious paragraph in what is supposed to be a fun blog. Here's what we did for Halloween:

A couple friends and I went to the Boo at the Zoo, which was creepier/more startling than I expected. I did not hit anyone out of reflex, possibly because I was holding fry bread at the time. In spite of concern for the animals regarding the loud noise, we had a pretty good time! We combated growing creep-out factors by asking everyone if they were Sasha, who told us she would be going but then never did, so that was kinda awkward. The only costumed worker we didn't ask was a burly lumberjack-killer dude, since it was pretty clear he was not, in fact, Sasha.

Just to be clear, the one on the left is not Sasha.

No pictures! Too dark! There were dancing people in skeleton outfits but most of them were all sorts of wrong. A whole foot where the sternum would be, sacrum on backwards, broken femurs, those guys were a mess! 

Zoe and I went to a Halloween gathering at the dog park! She didn't have a costume but she did get to play around and have some nice, free treats out of it. The dog park here is great because it's a community project and maintained by the community, so there is a real sense of friendship and camaraderie. In Tempe, the dog parks are maintained by the city, so people aren't really invested in them and there aren't a lot of events like we have here. I guess Greater Binghamton isn't so bad, after all.  

Finally, some friends hosted a pumpkin carving party at their apartment which was tons of fun. I got a little pumpkin normally meant for pie and tried to carve 3.14 in (so it would be pumpkin pi!) but the four broke a bit so it was 3.19 (pumpkin pi?). On the other side I carved ZOE, since I would be giving the pumpkin to Zoe when I got home . . .

. . . and she apparently loves pumpkin!

Well, it's November now and it's supposed to start snowing soon (sigh). I'm off to look into driving lessons so I'm not this crazy desert girl in snow driving like I'm from Arizona or something.

Stay happy!

"I told you I wanted to be Esmeralda, but you never listen."

1 comment:

  1. She didn't like pumpkin all those times it was in my dog treat bag waiting for me to hand it out!

    Anyway: Glad you guys made it through safely. I have heard from so many people that were impacted, and looking at a map this Arizona kid can't tell you what is where in relation to the storms path. I had a lady call to change her flight to Binghamton, we got to talking and I told her I had a friend up there at school this year and she volunteered for me to give you her number. It was a nice gesture, but a little weird too, so I declined.
